Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence based therapy initially utilized for treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This type of therapy is now being utilized successfully in overcoming symptoms of anxiety, depression, phobias, working through grief and disturbing memories, as well as many other issues.

EMDR is based on the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theory which assumes we have a natural ability to process events and store the useful information with other similar data already in our brain. When a disturbing event takes place, our natural processing system is overwhelmed and the information ends up “stuck”, isolated in the same form as when we experienced it (possibly with the images, sounds, smells, feelings, beliefs of that time). In this form, the information is unable to be stored with other adaptive data already in our brain. When anything reminds us or triggers us of this disturbing event, even without consciously being aware, the isolated, unprocessed data “fires up” again as if the event is happening to us right now.  The negative images and sensations will come rushing back and may interfere with normal daily functioning.

EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation, usually in the form of eye movements, to reprocess these isolated memories, allowing our mind to “digest” them fully and store them appropriately. For more detailed information on EMDR therapy, please refer to the link on my Resources page.




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