These are some tools and resources I think may be helpful for current or prospective clients. There are many great books and other materials available for parents and individuals who want to learn how to start making a positive change. Please feel free to ask me for recommendations, as I’ve only included a few here on this page.

Intake Form - Child +
Intake Form - Adult +

HIPAA Policy +
Release of Information +


Empact Crisis Line: 
480-784-1500 or 1-800-SUICIDE

Crisis Response Network:

There is also a “warm line” which you or your teen can call for support before the situation turns into a crisis, 602-347-1100

Read More About EMDR +



Recommended reading




Below are a list of frequently asked questions. Please contact me by email or call me at 602.999.2069 with any other questions not listed here. Do not hesitate to reach out to discuss if I would be a good fit for you or your child.

What should I expect at the first appointment?
At the initial intake assessment appointment I will meet with you, or with your child and one or both parents, to gather information on your history, past treatment (if any), and current concerns.  You will bring your completed intake and consent forms for us to review together. After sharing your history and concerns, we will discuss goals and desired outcomes, then create a treatment plan together.  The intake will last approximately 75 minutes.

How often will we meet for therapy sessions?
This depends on you and your unique needs. If you are having serious struggles that get in the way of your daily life, or if we are utilizing EMDR therapy, then we will plan on weekly sessions. Also, if I am trying to build rapport with your young child, it also makes sense to meet weekly while we build up trust and help your child feel comfortable in my office. I have many clients who come in every other week (twice monthly) as we are working towards achieving treatment goals.

Will my child have to miss school to attend therapy appointments?
I offer after school and evening hours three days per week to accommodate the many students I work with.

Are the things we discuss kept confidential?
I will not disclose personal information to any third party unless you or your child report to me, or give me reason to suspect, that your child is in danger of being harmed, is currently being harmed, or there is reason to believe your child is potentially dangerous to themselves or others.

Do you take insurance?
I am not listed as a provider with any insurance companies at this time. I will collect payment from you at the time of service, and am able to provide you with a “superbill” upon request. A superbill has the codes and information your insurance company will need if you are submitting for reimbursement.  You may wish to contact your insurance company first to find out if they will reimburse you for out-of-network behavioral health claims.

What are your fees?
The initial 80 minute intake assessment is $230.00; regular 50 minute sessions are $145.00.