Adjusting to transition periods in life is hard at any age. For children and even young adults, as the brain is still developing until around age 25, change can be especially difficult. I have experience working with families through all types of conflict. Whether your family is trying to adjust to a new living situation, you’re facing new challenges due to divorce or blending families, or you’re dealing with some type of loss, often extra support is needed. In therapy, you and/or your family members have a safe and nonjudgmental place to express your feelings. Oftentimes, after we feel “heard” and understood, we are more able to approach problem solving and we have the capacity to empathize with others. In dealing with transitions, I will utilize such interventions as communication skills training, family systems therapy, teaching coping skills for frustration or anger, practicing ways to express our emotions appropriately, solution focused therapy, CBT to address the unhelpful thoughts, and sometimes EMDR therapy




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